Sonntag, 2. September 2012

Don't Panic Vol. I präsentiert Euch den "Don't Panic - Volume 1" Sampler des Hardcore und Punkrock Labels NO PANIC RECORDS.

Insgesamt sind 27 Songs enthalten - von 27 Bands! Darunter SMILE AND BURN, NIGHTLIGHTS, HELL & BACK und viele mehr!

Und das beste daran - der Sampler ist völlig kostenfrei zum Download! Alternativ könnt ihr den Sampler am Ende des Beitrags in voller Länge als Stream hören!

01. A Time To Stand - Eyes To The Sky
02. After The Fall - Forgive And Forget
03. All The Best Tapes - Old Device
04. Caleb Lionheart - Empathy
05. Divided Heaven - KeyStone
06. Dividers - Me. You. Len. On A Boat. Faliraki '09
07. Fights And Fires - Weight
08. Go Rydell - A Little To Raph
09. Half Hearted Hero - Periphery
10. Hertwell - Certainty Of Change
11. Hell & Back - Hold On Tight
12. Junes Not Faking - That's What Friends Are For
13. Maloi - Those Modern Kids
14. Mike Moak - ShesMyEx
15. Nightlife - The Road To Hope And Glory
16. Nightlights - Ghost Town
17. No Tide - Step Down
18. Protagonist - Tunbridge
19. Question The Mark - Tonight We're Going To Give It 80
20. Rebuke - Black Screen, Eyes
21. Rust Belt Lights - The Comeback
22. Smile And Burn - Long Night's Fiasco
23. Static Radio NJ - Violent, You
24. Sweet Empire - Torches
25. The Snips - Oh Brother
26. Timeshares - Sarah, Send Your Driver
27. Whale's Island - Over The Reef

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