Now this is...
finally it's done.
As we've already announced, we've written a couple of new songs in the last years, which we'd like to share with the world. We've locked ourselve in the basement of the JUZ Regenbogen in Hameln, Germany, (Sonic Blast Factory - YEAH!) in April and recorded our final EP entitled "...and I walk...fearless...invigorated...".
The result is now available as a download for free for everybody:
- Download (Rapidshare)
- Downloadmirror (Sendspace)
Our final show will take place in Braunschweig at the JUZ B58 on May 28th. There will be a little something available at this show only for everybody to take these songs home...
Anyway: Download the songs and spread the word! We'd like as many people as possible to listen to these songs!
takecare - Dan, Jochen, Kevin, Lasse, Tobi (Archway), May 2010
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