Freitag, 4. September 2009

Vera Iconica - 2009

Vera Iconica is a six piece hardcore outfit from Valley Stream/Oceanside Long Island (516). We are all infatuated with hardcore/punk/metal/ and Deathcore - really just music in general.We are melodic and anthem-esque at times and brutally heavy at others... We try our best to write music that positive, heavy, and sincere. Something people can relate to. Most of our songs discuss topics such as the The Scene, Friends, Liars and Shit-talkers, Coniving Women, Loss, Government, Not Giving up, etc. We love playing music and being a part of this LI scene, playing shows, going to shows, supporting our friends bands, etc. Drop us a line, we always love to hear feedback on our art...

Thank You to all our friends, families, fans, and the bands we've played with for all the support. We love you all. Peace, keep the scene alive... YOU CAN NOW DOWNLOAD OUR ALBUM FOR FREE HERE. ENJOY!!!


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