Donnerstag, 10. Dezember 2009

Raw Edge - Zeitfresser

Free Download "Zeitfresser"

Ladet euch gratis das neue RAW EDGE Album „Zeitfresser“ unter folgendem Link runter: (wenn der direkte Link nicht funzt, einfach Copy and Paste)

Außerdem ist „Zeitfresser“ als limitierte, handnummerierte LP Version in den folgenden Formaten erhältlich:

50x schwarzes Vinyl mit silbernen Siebdruckcover
25x schwarzes Vinyl mit grauen Siebdruckcover
75x rotes Vinyl mit grauen Siebdruckcover....

Die LP kostet 12 Euro (+ 3 Euro Versand) und die könnt ihr ebenfalls über myspace bestellen!!!....


Freitag, 4. Dezember 2009

Xibalba - Madre Mia Gracias Por Los Dias

You can download our new album "Madre Mia Gracias..." by clicking on the album over there to the right.


Donnerstag, 3. Dezember 2009

Make It Reign

FREE Demo Download Extravaganza!!! (Fixed!)
If you reeeeeally want our demo. then download it


there is a super sweet surprise in one of the songs.... you just have to find it.

"i'm going to RENO nevada"

Make It Reign


With Abandon - Maturation

After lots of discussions with several labels and no agreement in sight we decided to release the maturation-ep as free download. For way too long you guys have been waiting to have these songs in your player, but no longer waiting...


Freitag, 27. November 2009

Farmers Boulevard - Caught By

1999 we decided to record a real CD, so we collected all our private money and put it together to pay for everything. All songs — except “Can’t take my Doubt” — were written from August until December 1999. End of ‘99 or beginning of 2000 we recorded it together with Rumsei at Conne Island.

Of course, we were very proud of it and although our style has changed, we still like this album. The release show was on April 8th 2000 together with Violated Seizure and Narziß at Muehlkeller Leipzig. The show was done by Stahni, the guy who helped us to release “Red Carpet” six years later. Post-released “Caught By” made it to the first official release of PCS Records.

1. Key Avenue (MP3|Lyrics)
2. New Freedom (MP3|Lyrics)
3. Path Of Blood (MP3|Lyrics)
4. Truth (MP3|Lyrics)
5. Always The Same (MP3|Lyrics)
6. Mankind Suicide (MP3|Lyrics)
7. Don’t Believe (MP3|Lyrics)
8. World’s A Prison (MP3|Lyrics)
9. Can’t Take My Doubt (MP3|Lyrics)


Creative Commons License It's released under a Creative Commons License. This means you can download, copy, file-share, trade, distribute and perform it in a noncommercial way!


Farmers Boulevard - Still Four

Our second full-length album arose between October 2000 and December 2001. Again we recorded it in Rumsei’s studio. The songs were recorded within three days in December, but the final cut was done in January 2002.

Two labels (Taz Devil Rec, PCS rec) released the CD in June 2002. and another two (Vinyl Junkies Rec, IC Rec) released the vinyl in beginning of 2003. It was the first time for us to have an own recording on wax. The release show was on June 8th at Lichtwirtschaft Leipzig together with Unifight, The Beans and Plaque.

1. Not Tough Enough (MP3|Lyrics)
2. Between The Lines (MP3|Lyrics)
3. Old Style New Style (MP3|Lyrics)
4. Smile (MP3|Lyrics)
5. Phoenix (MP3|Lyrics)
6. Just One Thing (MP3|Lyrics)
7. Side By Side (MP3|Lyrics)
8. Livin’ In TV (MP3|Lyrics)
9. Bullets & Stones (MP3|Lyrics)
10. Pray The Money (MP3|Lyrics)


Creative Commons License It's released under a Creative Commons License. This means you can download, copy, file-share, trade, distribute and perform it in a noncommercial way!


Mihai Edrisch - L'Un Sans L'Autre

Sold out for a long time and finally repressed! Heavy cardboard cover and printed heavy cardboard discobags. Limited to 250 pieces on clear vinyl + red splatter! We also offer packages consisting of a 12'' and a high quality American Apparell tshirt.

out now! order:
12'' | 12'' + shirt w/ golden print | 12'' + shirt w/ grey print

You can stream the whole album below
download it here


Donnerstag, 26. November 2009

The Next Mark - Demo 09

Download the demo by copying and paste this link into your web browser:

Consisting of ex-members and current members of: punchyourface, internal bleeding, 13 bloodlines, tomorrow's victim, and hatred for all. We have no set goals or intentions of making radio friendly music. There is no hidden agenda besides creating aggressive hard music that makes you want to destroy everything in your path. For our love and desire of creating and playing music is what drives us. We don't play shows cause it's impossible to try to get all of us in the same room and at the same time, for the moment we only do studio recordings.


Samstag, 21. November 2009

Darasuum - Demo

Because myspace refuses to let anyone download our demo from Mediafire, we decided to make this blogspot to make it easier on you to download and keep up with us.
so here are the links once again...


Freitag, 20. November 2009

Donnerstag, 19. November 2009

NGS Records - Sampler Winter 09-10

FREE smapler DL tell everyone! post it everywhere!


Donnerstag, 5. November 2009

Better Left Buried - s/t


Behind Hope Lies Failure - Arrival

hey everyone!

Spread that shit!
Download it, buy 100 blank CDs, burn them all! Give them to your friends, your Mom, your friends Moms, your Moms friends, your sisters boyfriend, your co-workers, the gay dude that cuts your hair, your uncle Ozzy in Australia...dig a hole in your backyard, put the CD down there with some seeds and grow your own unique "Pump Action Hardcore Tree".
Just do it!

UPDATE: new download links and everything is still the same! spread that fucking shit!


Freitag, 30. Oktober 2009

BTK - Never Back Down

Never Back Down for FREE
Our Ep NeverBackDown is Sold Out!
So we decided to share the shit with ya for free!



Celeste - Nihiliste(s)

You can listen to NIHILISTE(S) below or

download it here

for free.


Freitag, 23. Oktober 2009

Last Witness - An unfinished life

Track listing:

01. Hell Has Frozen Over
02. XX-
03. Sellout Party
04. Snakes & Ladders
05. Vice City (Redux)
06. Something Horrible is Happening Inside of Me and I Don't Know Why
07. Heartbroken
08. Heartbreaker

About the album:

This album was recorded during March / April 2008. Although we had intended to release it immediately, we encountered numerous problems along the way and in the end the album never saw the light of day. In September 2009, after over a year of dormancy and the unmixed tracks remaining on various studios' hard drives - we decided to finish mixing and release the album. We had originally recorded 11 songs, but only 8 have made the cut - we figured it's better to release 8 good songs than 11 average songs, right?

As of this moment, we do not have any long terms plans. We have made the record available for free download for anyone that wants to hear it, and all that we ask in return is that you come to a show if you can, pick up a tshirt and support the bands playing.

We hope you enjoy the record and please, let us know what you think.


- Last Witness


Freitag, 2. Oktober 2009

xBraveheathx - Wake Up Call (Pre-Release)

link for download:


Dienstag, 29. September 2009

Remember - Death To All Of Us

seit freitag ist die neue 7" von REMEMBER aus dortmund draußen. wie es bei uns so sitte ist,gibts alle releases auch immer als kostenlosen download. also wer bock hat möge sich das teil unter folgendem link ziehen: ... _of_us.rar


Donnerstag, 24. September 2009

Airtime - Demo 2009

Airtime – Demo 2009 (Free Download)


SuckaPunch - Unterste Schublade

Ihr könnte euch die Scheibe jetzt auf freedownloadn. Die EP ist aus 2008 und die neue namens "Munition" kommt Okt/Nov raus. Also haltet die Augen offen!!!


Montag, 14. September 2009

Dead City - Demo 2007

Downloadable version of the 2007 demos: FIXED!

Aktuelle Stimmung:Generous

pass it around. burn it. make a torrent. whatever you want.


Freitag, 11. September 2009

Immurent - Thrones Of The Parasites


----><----- (via)


Reason - Demo 2009

Reason is a Straight Edge hardcore band from Buffalo, NY featuring former members of The Control, Dead Hearts, Halfmast, Plagued With Rage, Still Ill, They Live, No Reason and No Time Left.


Download the entire demo:


Freitag, 4. September 2009

Vera Iconica - 2009

Vera Iconica is a six piece hardcore outfit from Valley Stream/Oceanside Long Island (516). We are all infatuated with hardcore/punk/metal/ and Deathcore - really just music in general.We are melodic and anthem-esque at times and brutally heavy at others... We try our best to write music that positive, heavy, and sincere. Something people can relate to. Most of our songs discuss topics such as the The Scene, Friends, Liars and Shit-talkers, Coniving Women, Loss, Government, Not Giving up, etc. We love playing music and being a part of this LI scene, playing shows, going to shows, supporting our friends bands, etc. Drop us a line, we always love to hear feedback on our art...

Thank You to all our friends, families, fans, and the bands we've played with for all the support. We love you all. Peace, keep the scene alive... YOU CAN NOW DOWNLOAD OUR ALBUM FOR FREE HERE. ENJOY!!!


Mittwoch, 26. August 2009

Legions - Demo 2009

5 track demo available now - copy and paste this link into your browser

or you can get it for free at shows

i guess we could mail you one too if you give us your address

Legions Demo 2009

1. Eschatology (Intro)
2. Our Demise
3. Buried Alive
4. Mirage
5. Lifetime of Regret


Choose Your Path - Mirrors

Kategorie: Musik
fertig und nun für euch zum GRATIS DOWNLOAD!
Unsere erste EP "Mirrors"

Hier der Downloadlink:


Falls ihr ein Bild für euren I-Pod baucht, könnt ihr das hier


Viel Spaß mit der Scheibe und bitte
weitersagen :)

Eure CYP-Boys


Backbreaker - Prevail

We have decided to give our full length album "Prevail" away to everyone for free!
Thanks to everyone who has ever supported us.
Download it now! 11 brand new tracks - FREE!
(copy and paste url into your browser)


Donnerstag, 20. August 2009

No Idea Records - Pretend Record Vol. II

V/A - Pretend Record 2
Released: August 18, 2009

Welcome away from Volume Two of our SUMMERTIME WATERMELON festival of DOWNLOAD MANIA!! Limited edition and first-come, first served (shoes and shirt optional)... Nothing to trade, nothing to sell, in fact it's all a big PRETEND RECORD!! You can't watch it spin, you can't hand number it, you can't auction it. "Well, heck, what CAN you do with it?" You may LISTEN to it. With your ear bones!

This comp has been downloaded 1,127 times!


No Idea Records - Pretend Record Vol. I

V/A - Pretend Record
Released: June 5, 2009

Welcome back to Volume One of our SUMMERTIME WATER MOSH festival of DOWNLOAD MADNESS!! Limited edition and first-come, first served (shoes and shirt optional)... Nothing to trade, nothing to sell, in fact it's all a big PRETEND RECORD!! You can't watch it spin, you can't hand number it, you can't auction it. "Well, heck, what CAN you do with it?" You may LISTEN to it. With your ear bones!

This comp has been downloaded 3,782 times!
CHECK BACK in a couple weeks for VOLUME TWO!!


Donnerstag, 6. August 2009

A New Hope - Point Of Impact


It has been a long time since I wrote something for this profile.
But it feels familiar :)
We have got something for you.
Before our broke up recorded our full lentgth "point of impact"
And now its free for all.
You can download it via rapidshare when you click here

Anewhope - point of impact still curious about your opinion.
So message us or post a comment if you like it, if it is the revealing for you, or if you think that the split up was the best decision for us.

Maybe one day we..ll be abled to play that songs on a stage again. Who knows?

Greetings to all of you guys out there!

Cya, Mario


Eulogy - Sampler August 2009


Mittwoch, 5. August 2009

xKill Everyonex - EP


Stream it, download it, burn it, give it to your friends.

"xKILL EVERYONEx was a Straight Edge band from the Windsor/Detroit area, formed by a group of close friends who wanted to write hardcore that was harder, faster, and more pissed off than anything we had ever done. We felt at the time that there weren't many straight edge bands that were really laying shit on the line about how angry they were, and what straight edge truly meant. There were a lot of edge bands with positive messages, and with themes of unity and family. There were some who although they were edge didn't even have straight edge lyrics... which is fine, but we wanted to do things a little differently. We had a lot of hatred that needed to be expressed.

I was the guitar player in our last band and Ozzy was the singer. He had a great voice, and I was a much better guitarist then him, but I wanted to be the vocalist because I had written so many things that I wanted to say, and I wanted to say them to a room full of pissed of kids who felt the same way - kids who were as proud of their edge as I was. We agreed that Ozzy would play guitar and that I would do vocals. Pat was one of the angriest and proudest straight edge kids we knew. He was a good friend to both of us, and not the kind of person who says "I'm drug free but I don't claim", or any of that shit. He was like us. He x'd up because he was drug free for life and he know he wasn't backing down. It wasn't even like we had to ask him to play drums. He just simply was.

Jake took more convincing because he had just quit a band and he was tired of all the band bullshit. But this band was different. We weren't trying to get noticed, or get big. Or go on the road, or even make money. Our only goal was to be in an entirely straight band of close friends. Not even musicians necessarily. I wanted him to be our second guitarist based on our friendship alone. He agreed. By the time we snagged John from xTyrantx we knew the lineup was complete. John was a fireball onstage and his commitment to straight edge was no joke. It was prefect.

We got together a few times a week for a year or so and wrote a handful of songs. The result was a 6 song EP that has been posted for free download. xKILL EVERYONEx has been broken up for a while now but the music lives on. We are all still good friends. And we are all still straight edge. As we will continue to be. Some of us have moved on to other bands, some of us have moved on to other things. But that bond still holds strong."

- Lear, 2008


Dienstag, 28. Juli 2009





Deflectime - Preparing For Pain (Demo 2008)

Lien de téléchargement:


Life In Chains - EP 2009

Download our EP

(link probably won't work, because all other sites besides myspace are malicious virus spyware bugged
so here:


Revenge - Demo 2008


1. Intro

2. Going Nowhere

3. Bloodhorse

4. The World Makes Me Sick

5. Darwinism

Demo art work from the movie "The Begotten”

Recorded and Mixed by Will Killingsworth on December 4th, 2008 at Dead Air Studios

Pick slide on "Going Nowhere" by Will K

Crew vox by Shane, Will H, and Dan



Mourningside - Dispose

Download the Dispose EP!

You'll probably have to copy and paste this link, but trust me, it works!


Montag, 27. Juli 2009

Something Inside - Lionheart LP

Q: Any chance to still get my hands on a You Will Feel It 7" or st7"?
A: We dont have any left.. get it here for free

Something Inside - You Will Feel It 7"
Something Inside - st 7"

Something Inside - Lionheart LP
to everyone who bought our vinyls, we try to give you guys a payback and put mp3s online of off lionheart - for free download. if you like what you hear and dont already got your copy, just support us with buying the record, a shirt or just feed us. nowadays no1 is buying cds anymore and it wont make sense to have a cd pressing of lionheart. we also cant set up a free download with purchasing the record, so i think its fair this way. the best reason for setting this up is to avoid that someone buys mp3s off of some shitty internet platforms located in russia. another reason for putting this up is that I really hate this vinylrip floating around which sounds like crap. whoever did this, thanks for the effort but even our pre-production got a better quality...



Something Inside - st 7"

Q: Any chance to still get my hands on a You Will Feel It 7" or st7"?
A: We dont have any left.. get it here for free

Something Inside - You Will Feel It 7"
Something Inside - st 7"

Something Inside - Lionheart LP
to everyone who bought our vinyls, we try to give you guys a payback and put mp3s online of off lionheart - for free download. if you like what you hear and dont already got your copy, just support us with buying the record, a shirt or just feed us. nowadays no1 is buying cds anymore and it wont make sense to have a cd pressing of lionheart. we also cant set up a free download with purchasing the record, so i think its fair this way. the best reason for setting this up is to avoid that someone buys mp3s off of some shitty internet platforms located in russia. another reason for putting this up is that I really hate this vinylrip floating around which sounds like crap. whoever did this, thanks for the effort but even our pre-production got a better quality...



Something Inside - You Will Feel It

Q: Any chance to still get my hands on a You Will Feel It 7" or st7"?
A: We dont have any left.. get it here for free

Something Inside - You Will Feel It 7"
Something Inside - st 7"

Something Inside - Lionheart LP
to everyone who bought our vinyls, we try to give you guys a payback and put mp3s online of off lionheart - for free download. if you like what you hear and dont already got your copy, just support us with buying the record, a shirt or just feed us. nowadays no1 is buying cds anymore and it wont make sense to have a cd pressing of lionheart. we also cant set up a free download with purchasing the record, so i think its fair this way. the best reason for setting this up is to avoid that someone buys mp3s off of some shitty internet platforms located in russia. another reason for putting this up is that I really hate this vinylrip floating around which sounds like crap. whoever did this, thanks for the effort but even our pre-production got a better quality...



The Truth - Demo 2008


The Truth - Split EP 2007