Yo, soon some new songs might be up on this site, but for now enjoy the demo. -TBP Elsinore Style. http://theblackpath.bandcamp.com/DOWNLOAD...
Dienstag, 20. Dezember 2011
The Black Path - Demo
Donnerstag, 8. Dezember 2011
Ablaze - Black Omega
We're pleased to announce that we have signed to Marked For Death Records! Our first MFD release will be a split CD with The Black Path (US) and is scheduled for early 2012. Head to our bandpage and listen to Dead To The World, a new song which will appear on both of our upcoming splits, plus our 'Black Omega' demo is still available for free download. 2012 is going to be great, thanks to everyone for the support! More news coming soon, so spread the word!DOWNLOAD...
Mittwoch, 23. November 2011
Coldburn - Hybris
Yo, long time no say! We’ve got some good and bad news.DOWNLOAD...
There was a long time of uncertainty and we tried our best but unfortunately we found no other way than to cancel our winter tour. Nevertheless we’ll play some of the shows which were planed for the tour schedule.
The following and more or less positive consequence of this whole situation is that we are able to put more energy in the writings for our upcoming LP.
The workings on new material are in full spate and we’re looking forward to hit the studio in march 2012.
We’ll keep you updated for all the stuff coming in 2012.
Last but not least: you are now able to listen (and also download) our full 7“ „Hybris“ for free on our new bandcamp: http://coldburn.bandcamp.com/!
Mittwoch, 16. November 2011
White Fields - Chronicles
we started this band in 2010 and have played shows for not even a year now. considering this, we are super lucky where this whole thing brought us so far. we love to play shows and a lot of people hooked us up during the year. there was a tour with our mates in Foxxes and some unforgettable times with our beloved friends in Empty Handed. we would like to thank everyone that was involved in this development in any way imaginable. we hope we can come up with some sweet new stuff in the near future. be sure we will let you know here.DOWNLOAD...
for the beginning we would like to share our first EP “Chronicles” which you can download for free on our bandcamp. once again thanking all of you! please feel free to spread the word!
Donnerstag, 3. November 2011
Dienstag, 1. November 2011
Siege Of Amida Records - Sampler
Track listing
Boris The Blade- Like Wolves
Diskreet- Graves
Molotov Solution- Injustice For All
Ancient Ascendant- Titan
Ingested- Manifesting Obscenity
Dyscarnate- A Drone In The Hive
As They Burn- City Ov Pyramids
TRC- Blame It On Vegas
Eradication- Fascination In Torture
Against The Flood- Idle Hands
Awaken Demons- Phoenix
The Breathing Process- Metamorphosis
Heart In Hand- Tunnels
Cult Cinema- A Distant And Disconsolate Heart
Shaped By Fate- Give Me Hope
DripBack- Under The Floor
Martyr Defiled- Isolate
Annotations Of An Autopsy- Reznov
Ichor- The Gorgon
The Bridal Procession- Atypical Pestilence
Ageless Oblivion- Time Of The Empty Throne
Betraeus- Towards The Sun (Radio Edit)
Demoraliser- Bitter Springs
Armed For Apocalypse- The Demon Who Makes Trophies Of Men
Waking The Cadaver- Snapped In Half
Terakai- Fractured Skies
Go and grab your free copy now and get nearly 2 hours of new music for nada!
Freitag, 28. Oktober 2011
Gloomster - Randkultur
Gloomster haben beschlossen, ihr 2. Album namens „Randkultur“ als GRATIS-DOWNLOAD inkl. dem kompletten Artwork zu veröffentlichen!!! Als Gründe nennt die Band folgendes: "1. CD´s sind scheiße!!! 2. Vinyl ist zu teuer für uns!!! 3. Wir haben keinen Bock nach einem Label zu suchen!!! 4. Wir wollen uns nicht wieder mit der GEMA auseinandersetzen müssen!!!! 5. Alles für alle und zwar umsont!!!!“DOWNLOAD...
Das Album gibt es hier zum Download:
Verbreitet die Songs!
Punishable Act - Unbreakable Spirit - Dog Of Hardcore
Hey there, we are proud to represent our new record “UNBREAKABLE SPIRIT-DOGS OF HARDCORE”. We are a diy-style hardcore band, so we decided to upload our album for free. If you like this record spread the word for us. If you want to tell us what you think feel free to do so.DOWNLOAD...
There will be a strict limited CD-version of “UNBREAKABLE SPIRIRT-DOGS OF HARDCORE” available at our Rec-Releaseshow on 04.11.11 in Berlin…
See you there!
Mittwoch, 26. Oktober 2011
Lifeless / Ten Of Swords - Internet Split
FREE for your listening enjoyment! Bow Down.
Hard Target - Umastered Record
The unreleased, unmastered Hard Target record in all it’s glory.DOWNLOAD...
It’s not perfect (especially lyrically, although I had a mental breakdown two months afterwards so I’ll blame it on that) but it is fun.
Reblog the fuck out of it.
Montag, 17. Oktober 2011
Demonwomb - Demo 2011
Demo nun auch online! saugen und verbreiten! go!DOWNLOAD...
Demo: http://www.mediafire.com/?mysh7hsbzh7y91j
Light It Up - State Of Mind
Light It Up right back from spremberg - nice nice nice evening !!! thx to all !!! ...and here is something for free. check it out !!! LIU´11DOWNLOAD...
Donnerstag, 13. Oktober 2011
Redweed - Zwischen Teenchicks und Scenekids EP
MoeByDayz, REDWEED, King Koka & der Moritz in PersonalunionDOWNLOAD...
FREE DOWNLOAD DER AKTUELLEN EP HIER: http://rapidshare.com/files/424674668/REDWEED_-_Zwischen_Teenchicks___Scenekids.rar
Montag, 10. Oktober 2011
Born To Lose Crew - MMXI Sampler
Dank der BTL Crew, gibt es seit Heute einen mega guten Sampler zum Free Download!DOWNLOAD...
Checkt das Ding aus, durch und durch hammer Teil!
u.a. sind Songs von Nothing to Regret, Ablaze, Surge of Fury, War Hound, BTV, No Zodiac, Watch my Anger grow und noch haufen anderer Bands drauf.
Auschecken ist pflicht, und vorallem weiteresagen!
Der Download kostet nichts, also sorgt dafür das so viele Leute wie möglich das Ding ziehen!
Full Of Hell - 2 Song Demo
The first demo was released as a burnt cd demo which was titled "Savages".
these next two songs were demos for a full length that we were writing with former vocalist Dustin. This will probably be the only way (besides myspace) that they'll actually see the light of day.
Full Of Hell - Savages Demo
The first demo was released as a burnt cd demo which was titled "Savages".
these next two songs were demos for a full length that we were writing with former vocalist Dustin. This will probably be the only way (besides myspace) that they'll actually see the light of day.
Full Of Hell - LP
This is the link to download our LP for free, do us a favor and repost/share it!
Donnerstag, 29. September 2011
Failed Suicide Plan - Tracks
Nach langer Wartezeit haben wir uns entschieden, die vier Songs die wir im November in Eisenberg aufgenommen haben Online zu stellen. Zum Anhören und auch zum Download inkl. Texten.DOWNLOAD...
Hauptgrund ist, dass wir grade seit längerem weder proben noch live spielen konnten, weil unser Gitarist aus gesundheitlichen Gründen grade nicht spielen kann.
Wir werden aber trotzdem versuchen weiterzumachen, wahrscheinlich aber in etwas veränderter Besetzung.
Failed Suicide Plan,
Post Hardcore
Dienstag, 27. September 2011
Sonntag, 25. September 2011
No Omega- EP 2011
Please feel free to download our EP we released earlier this year. Thank you so much to Monument and World vs Cometh for releasing this. Make sure you have this now (there is no excuse). I want to see 2 000 downloads on this! PLEASE HELP US SPREAD THE WORD! Add the link to your profile. Thanks and enjoy!DOWNLOAD...
Freitag, 9. September 2011
Hardcore Collective - Bummer Summer Compilation
FINALLY!!! HERE IT IS FOLKS THE BUMMER SUMMER MMXI COMP.!!! working on this project was amazing, Ive got to hear some awesome bands and make a bunch of new friends in the process so i hope you all enjoy this comp. as much as we do!! ~BUMMER SUMMER MMXI COMPILATION~ *GET IT HERE!*DOWNLOAD...
Hell and Back - Don't Tell Me What I Can Do Demo
Tag X. Unsere Demo auf Drastic Actions ist fertig. Wir sind auf dem Weg zurück… 100 Kassetten mit je 5 Liedern (manche auch mehr) macht 1110 Minuten schnellen Punkrock für den wir zuviel Good Riddance gehört haben um wie Fugazi zu klingen. Für Menschen mit offenen Gedanken und offenen Herzen eine Ergänzung zum Leben – für alle anderen ist es einfach Musik Wem kein Kassettenrekorder zur Verfügung steht saugt sich die Lieder einfach auf seinen Rechner: schickt es an eure Freunde oder hört es euch in der U-Bahn, im Auto, beim Laufen oder Wäsche zusammenlegen an! demo download……zip….aaaaah www.drastic-actions.com/hellandback/demo.zipDOWNLOAD...
Donnerstag, 8. September 2011
Heavyweight - Demo
Cleveland Hardcore, cut and dry. Featuring former/current members of One Life Crew, Integrity, In Cold Blood, Know The Score, The Mongoloids, and so on. You're siked. DOWNLOAD THE DEMO FOR FREE : http://www.mediafire.com/?fe8edxou8l5wmdf#1DOWNLOAD...
Freitag, 2. September 2011
Donnerstag, 1. September 2011
Action - Silence Is The Enemy
Download our laest album ACTION - silence is the enemy, or buy it on the show for 6 fucking Eur! http://www.uloz.to/6216437/action-2010-silence-is-the-enemy-rarDOWNLOAD...
Dienstag, 23. August 2011
Retaliate - Thorns Without A Rose

Filesonic Download
Mediafire Download
Fileserve Download
Oron Download
Filesonic Backup Download
Mediafire Backup Download
Donnerstag, 4. August 2011
The Fest Sampler

Die Veranstalter des US Hardcore Festivals "The Fest" haben anlässlich der 10. Ausgabe einen Sampler online gestellt, den ihr Euch direkt bei uns anhören könnt.
Die insgesamt 23 Songs könnt ihr Euch auch direkt kostenfrei unter fest10.bandcamp.com einzeln herunterladen oder unter www.yousendit.com als komplettes Archiv.
Unter anderem sind Bands wie THE WILHELM SCREAM, DILLINGER FOUR, NO TRIGGER, BOUNCING SOULS und AGAINST ME! mit von der Partie. Weitere Compilations sollen folgen.
Troublesome - This Hell

Troublesome consists of Adam Engle, Kyle Hill, Marco Mazzarelli, Stephen Miller, and Kevin Thomas. Bands that they are currently or have previously been in are CDC, Fall From Heaven and Straight Up.
Go to the link below to download our EP "This Hell" for free!
Donnerstag, 28. Juli 2011
Sleeve / Call Me Betty / Raised Hide Tour Split

Hey folks,
we decided to offer you the opportunity to download every single SLEEVE release for free. In the end of 2010 we released our first full length called Masqueraders Hometown Report. Now almost all the copies of the first pressing are sold and we don’t really know whether there will be a re-release in the near future.
So if you are interested in a physical copy of Masqueraders Hometown Report check the following sites:
Ape Rec Store
We also have some shirts and a nice package(cd+poster+shirt+sticker) up there or hit us up on Facebook for your orders or just some feedback.
It would be overwhelming if you guys could support us. Please share our music to all your friends and also to those you don’t like.
Call Me Betty,
Raised Hide,
Sleeve - Flashlight Phobia EP

Hey folks,
we decided to offer you the opportunity to download every single SLEEVE release for free. In the end of 2010 we released our first full length called Masqueraders Hometown Report. Now almost all the copies of the first pressing are sold and we don’t really know whether there will be a re-release in the near future.
So if you are interested in a physical copy of Masqueraders Hometown Report check the following sites:
Ape Rec Store
We also have some shirts and a nice package(cd+poster+shirt+sticker) up there or hit us up on Facebook for your orders or just some feedback.
It would be overwhelming if you guys could support us. Please share our music to all your friends and also to those you don’t like.
Sleeve - A Mindless Youth EP

Hey folks,
we decided to offer you the opportunity to download every single SLEEVE release for free. In the end of 2010 we released our first full length called Masqueraders Hometown Report. Now almost all the copies of the first pressing are sold and we don’t really know whether there will be a re-release in the near future.
So if you are interested in a physical copy of Masqueraders Hometown Report check the following sites:
Ape Rec Store
We also have some shirts and a nice package(cd+poster+shirt+sticker) up there or hit us up on Facebook for your orders or just some feedback.
It would be overwhelming if you guys could support us. Please share our music to all your friends and also to those you don’t like.
Sleeve - Masqueraders Hometown Report

Hey folks,
we decided to offer you the opportunity to download every single SLEEVE release for free. In the end of 2010 we released our first full length called Masqueraders Hometown Report. Now almost all the copies of the first pressing are sold and we don’t really know whether there will be a re-release in the near future.
So if you are interested in a physical copy of Masqueraders Hometown Report check the following sites:http://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gif
Ape Rec Store
We also have some shirts and a nice package(cd+poster+shirt+sticker) up there or hit us up on Facebook for your orders or just some feedback.
It would be overwhelming if you guys could support us. Please share our music to all your friends and also to those you don’t like.
Mittwoch, 27. Juli 2011
Nowhere Bound - selftitled

Just put out our new 7 song ep. you can download it for FREE at nowhereboundmwhc.bandcamp.com
Montag, 11. Juli 2011
A Death And A Promise - Bourbon Discipline

Download our new EP "Bourbon Discipline" for FREE!!! 5 new songs for you! Pass it on to all your friends! Lyrics are up on our Facebook page. If you live in the STL area, come to our EP release show tomorrow night at Mandina's. It's also our guitar player Pinkass Ben's 30th birthday so come see him get wasted!
Montag, 4. Juli 2011
No Zodiac - Burn in hell

Our EP Burn In Hell is finally complete! Give it a listen and if you like it be sure to order a copy from Shock Survival Records or if you're in Japan from Interact Records http://www.mediafire.com/?q94mdq8v9dpcl1o
Dienstag, 21. Juni 2011
Donnerstag, 16. Juni 2011
Smashrooms - Questions

We decided to share songs on our 7" "Questions" (2010) for free!
You can listen to the whole 7" on Bandcamp: http://www.smashrooms.bandcamp.com and you can download the songs for free following this link: http://www.zshare.net/download/914646462add4690/
If you want to buy a physical copy of the record, you can write to: epidemicrecords(at)hotmail.com
The 7" is pressed in white vinyl and comes with an elegant artwork by Death And Taxes Designworks, as the previous "The Wind Of Tomorrow".
Useless to say that we would appreciate if you buy a copy of our record, this wouldhttp://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gif mean a lot of support for us! It costs only 4 €, shipping excluded!
This free download is to give you the chance to listen to our 7" "Questions" wherever you are and to spread its messages and music.
So... feel free to download it, listen to it, read its lyrics... and sing along at our shows!!!!
DOWNLOAD FOR FREE HERE---> http://www.zshare.net/download/914646462add4690/
Dienstag, 7. Juni 2011
Agitator - Demo 09

Good Fight Music - Summer Sampler 2011

Good Fight Music releases their 2011 Summer Sampler for FREE download on AMAZONMP3.
1. "Robert Rios" by The Chariot
2. "Invigorate" by Madball
3. "Contact" by The Contortionist
4. "The End of Progression" by Conditions
5. "The Incoherent" by This Or The Apocalypse
6. "Front Row Seats To The End Of The World" by Funeral For A Friend
7. "My Conscience, Your Freedom" by While She Sleeps
8. "Keep Me Outside" by S.O.S
Mittwoch, 1. Juni 2011
Montag, 30. Mai 2011
Never Had It - EP
Hier kostenlos,die komplette EP zum download!wer bock drauf hat, eben meinung raushauen,wer keine bock drauf hat sollte sich den mund nicht verbieten lassen! :) kritik is auch ok!
Donnerstag, 26. Mai 2011
Static Void - The Monosyllabic Madness Mixtape

download now!
3 songs, 3 remixes, 4 specials = 10 hits!
arrangement by Mike Diamond
For The Glory - Some Kids Have No Face

YO EVERYBODY!!!!! www.mediafire.com/?3mgevj81m1ly6j1 - download the new FOR THE GLORY record here at this link! if you like it, just come to our shows in September and buy it :) thanks!!!!!!! SPREAD THE LINK, SPREAD THE WORD... SHOWS IN SEPTEMBER THROUGH EUROPE, MAIL strongerbookings@gmail.com --- 200% HARDCORE
Mittwoch, 11. Mai 2011
Dead End Path - Blind Faith LP (Promo)
"After months of preparation, we are excited to announce that the debut LP from DEAD END PATH is completed and being pressed. "BLIND FAITH" will be available digitally and in stores on June 14, 2011 on Triple B Records. Since the LP is amazing and we don't want people to wait to hear some of it, we decided to take 2 songs from the record and put it up for FREE download. That's right, FREE! Above is a mediafire link where you can download the songs "Requiem" and "End On End". Download em, share em, send em to your mom, do whatever. Pre-Orders will be up in a couple weeks. Kenny from Free Spirit/Step Forward is still hard at work finishing the painting for the album cover, we got a sneak peak recently and it looks absolutely insane! The band will also have some limited tour edition copies on their upcoming tour with Title Fight, Touche Amore, and the Menzingers. keep checking www.triple-brecords.com for more updates on the LP."
Life After Death - Respect Is Collected Demo

We are the number 1 featured band on stereokiller right now! Thanks to everyone that has supported us by promoting, downloading the album, or even just listening to the tracks. http://www.stereokiller.com/LifeAfterDeath
The full "respect is collected" demo mediafire link. http://www.mediafire.com/?k8tch4crim4na
Donnerstag, 5. Mai 2011
No Regrets - Demo 2011

Digital Album
Immediate download of 3-track album in your choice of 320k mp3, FLAC, or just about any other format you could possibly desire.
Free Download (via)
Thight Grip - War Thirst

Tight Grip - War Thirst
Right Idea
Down & Out
War Thirst
support and reblog!
Donnerstag, 21. April 2011
Mittwoch, 6. April 2011
Anger - Demo
Unreleased Demo by Legendary Miami Hardcore band, ANGER. It was recorded prior to the classic Miami FL LP on SPV Records. This recording has their original Bassist Kelly Ross and it was recorded at ANGERS rehearsal spot on Hialeah Drive. Many other Miami bands practiced here as well as, Out of Spite, Brethren and Mindframe. I believe this demo was recorded on an 8 Track by Guitarist Dennis Munos(SOLSTICE) ANGER'S first show was at CHURCHILLS and I believe it was in 1992. Soon after starting to play some shows they played at Washington Square. I personally think this demo has a really raw sound. They always had that Carnivore-Agnostic Front Cross over sound. To me, ANGER brought a really violent style of Hardcore to South Florida.
(via) linked on Anger Facebook
Donnerstag, 24. März 2011
Delvier - Deliverance

Unsere EP "deliverance" könnt Ihr kostenlos in der Media-Section herunterladen. Schaut Euch unser Video des Songs "directions" in der Media-Section an.
Erste Shows werden gerade gebucht. Wir freuen uns über Anfragen. Bei Interesse bitte Email an konzerte@deliverofficial.de
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