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Hey Leute…DOWNLOAD...
wie versprochen bekommt ihr ab heute die Möglichkeit das aktuelle Album “Die Lüge der Freiheit” kostenlos zu downloaden! Wer also noch auf seine Bestellung von Amazon wartet, oder gerne vorher in das Album schnuppern möchte, kann das nun HIER tun. Eine kleine Erklärung zur Downloadseite findet ihr im Forum! Sollte euch das Album gefallen, hinterlasst einfach eine DANKES-SMS, eine kleine Überweisung zum Beispiel via Paypal, oder kauft euch das Album bei Amazon! Wir wünschen euch viel Spaß beim anhören und freuen uns auf eure Rezensionen im Forum.
We are a band from Eastern Switzerland and have been playing together since September 2008. We've played in several bands before and were now motivated to spread our ideas with our music, so we started the band Unveil.
We've chosen the name "Unveil" because we think that many people are not aware of how much is going wrong on this planet. We want to take part in making the problems known. We want to unveil them.
We don't want to turn a blind eye to this world.
We want to confront the everyday problems directly. For us it's no solution to keep reality away by using drugs. This is why we are a vegetarian/vegan straight edge band.
We want to communicate something with our lyrics. Our lyrics are about personal topics, political aspects and also animal rights.
It's not our goal to force our ideas upon somebody. We just want you to start thinking about the consequences of your daily actions.
In February 09 we released our 3-Song Demo which can be downloaded for free! A 7" with 4 new songs will be released in July 09.
We'd love to play live in your town - if you want to book us just write us here or contact us via unveil.online@gmail.com
Debido al largo tiempo que tardamos en terminar nuestro EP, hemos decido no maquilar el EP y regalar el material... este nuevo EP contiene 3 canciones no muy nuevas y 3 rolas viejas; esperamos que el EP sea de su agrado y les agradeceriamos mucho que corrieran la voz sobre nuestro EP!, pueden descargalo completamente GRATIS en este link:
Para los que no esten familiarizados con Rapidshare, solo tienen que hacer lo siguiente:
1) Haz copy / paste al link (obviamente no?)
2) Haz click en el tab "free user" y espera a que termine el conteo
3) En cuanto termine el conteo, aparecera un nuevo tab nombrado "download", solo han click en el tab y podran descargar el EP, el EP esta comprimido en formato .rar (necesitas WinRAR)
Gracias a todos por el apoyo que nos han brindado durante estos anios, sabemos que no hemos estado muy activos recientemente y sentimos que regalar nuestro material es lo menos que podemos hacer por la larga espera... Gracias nuevamente!!
Red A.
We want everybody to be able to listen to the 3 new songs from our 2009 sampler on their Ipods or computers or whatever, so we submitted them to a few blogspots. So download the tunes, show your friends, and rep that shit! We'll also be posting our 2008 EP "On The Prowl" soon, so stay posted.DOWNLOAD...
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=J1OKT345 click here, it's free !!!!!!!!!
Hey fellaz !
We promised you new tracks ... you've got new tracks !
Our new EP, "YOU SHOULD HAVE CARED" is now available, FREE online.
3 tracks of BRUTAL, RAW and MOSHING hardcore
you can download our full demo for free
here-> http://rapidshare.com/files/154891710/mp3.rar
you can find the lyrics in the blog below.